Veghu® is a center of reference for research, training, production and sale of 100% plant-based cheazes. But it is also a community that supports amateurs and professionals in taking their first steps in this field, providing them with ingredients, tools, accessories, know-how and everything you need to embark on this adventure.

Our Mission
W e are located in the heart of Sardinia, recognized as one of the few places on earth with the highest longevity rate, as well as an island of renowned gastronomic culture.
In this portion of the world, tradition walks side by side with innovation in order to get inspired, transform itself and stay on top of the ever-changing needs of our evolving world population. Our Mission is to be the referent for all aspects around the exciting world of plant-based cheazes.The goal is to offer both excellent products and services, following the three main core businesses of the company: education (courses), plant-based cheazes and products for cheaze makers.

Our Vision
he area where Veghu® is located, know as Barigadu, has a very high rate of depopulation.
Some villages such as Sorradile, our legal head office, are supposed to disappear within the next 20 years.
Others, such as Bidoní, our headquarters, with just 120 inhabitants, was declared the poorest town in Sardinia in 2016.
But we truly know the treasures that this territory has to offer: its culture, archeology, history but also materials and ingredients that are difficult to find elsewhere.